The Madawaska Highlander
Published 7 times, May to November
by Lois and Mark Thomson
Reel Impact Communications Inc.
3784 Matawatchan Road
Griffith, Ontario K0J 2R0
Welcome! To The Madawaska Highlander web site.
Thank you to all our contributors, advertisers, suppliers and of course our readers who tell us over and over, how much they love "The Highlander". This is a unique periodical made possible by contributions from volunteer journalists and the support of area advertisers. We thank The Eganville Leader for providing space in their facility so we can prepare the newspaper for distribution by mail and at newsstands in a wide area from Eganville to Cloyne and from Renfrew and Arnprior to Greater Madawaska and Denbigh in the Madawaska Highlands and Addington Highlands.
Past issues available here.
AS MENTIONED IN SURVIVOR GUY, HIGHLANDER READERS CAN DOWNLOAD DAVID ARAMA'S BOOK HOW TO START A FIRE WITH WATER and 501 other essential survival skills for home, work, outdoors, travel, and anywhere disaster strikes.
2024 ISSUES WILL BE ADDED ABOUT A MONTH AFTER THE PRINT VERSIONS. Click on dates to Download PDF versions or view online: